August 12, 2024 Ukraine and the World – Against russia’s Aggression. Sanctions in Action


“A terrible reminder that russia has not stopped its illegal invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory and its bombing of peaceful civilians”, US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink reacted to the rf’s air attack on the night of August 11.

USAID has provided emergency repair vehicles to local gas distribution operators in Kherson region.

A volunteer group of UK farmers, joined by volunteers from the USA and the Netherlands, has handed over 38 vehicles to the Ukrainian military.


India’s media sent massive inquiries to the rf’s embassy in New Delhi about the deaths of Indian citizens fraudulently recruited by russia to fight against Ukraine. The embassy denies everything, while stating that “all contractual obligations and due compensation payments will be fulfilled”.

Commander of the Hamburg Regional Command Michael Giss has said that the whole of Germany should be prepared for a potential military conflict in five years.

In July, consumer price growth in the rf reached 9.13%, the highest since April 2022.

According to Focus Technologies, the Mall Index (estimates the number of visitors per 1,000 square meters of retail space) in russian shopping centers decreased by 2% year-on-year during the week of July 29-August 4.

The occupation authorities have banned migrants in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol from working in healthcare, education, housing and utilities, and more than 70 other sectors of the economy.

In Lithuania, the Public Administration Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will discuss improving the procedure for hiring civil servants to avoid hiring russian and belarusian citizens.

Agnė Bilotaitė, Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, believes that it is necessary to reduce the number of buses to the rb.

In the first half of 2024, petrol prices in the rb increased by 2.6% and diesel ones – by 2.5%. This is higher than the average for the Eurasian Union countries. In the first half of the year, the growth of petrol prices in the rb was higher only in the rf (+2.9%), and that of diesel prices – in Kyrgyzstan (+3%).