Kids' Page

Dear Friend!
We created this page specially for you.
We know that the profession of an intelligence officer, which is cloaked in mystery, romance, something unknown and hidden behind seven seals, is interesting to you. You get to know the world around you, choose from the books you have read and watched movies the heroes you would like to follow. Probably, among them there are also intelligence officers.
Do you know how to become an intelligence officer, what special skills and features of character are needed to work in intelligence, where and how future intelligence officers are trained, what tests and trials a candidate must pass in order to soon become a full member of our country's intelligence community?
These and other questions are often asked by your peers in letters sent to the official website of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine. Such questions – serious, unexpected, and sometimes naive – have accumulated in numbers recently. Therefore, we decided to create a special “Kid's Page” on our website. There you will find answers to all your questions. We will try to tell in a clear and simple way about the work in intelligence, post some exercises, tests, puzzles, etc. This will allow you to test your skills. It will also help to develop and improve the abilities that may be needed in the future not only for work in intelligence, but also in mastering other professions.
So, prepare yourself and train your memory, test your intelligence, diligence, perseverance, speed of thinking and other capabilities.